6 Questions with EMCEEBRODZ

Renegade Records
3 min readDec 30, 2020

EMCEEBRODZ is a 22 year old multi-genre artist from Adelaide, South Australia. EMCEEBRODZ has a unique take on Hip Hop and adds elements from other genres such as trap, nu metal and alt metal to diversify his sound. EMCEEBRODZ predominantly creates emotional music that stems from his personal battles with depression and mental illness.

EMCEEBRODZ music represents his most raw and unfiltered self that channels his emotions and feelings of anger, sadness and love. EMCEEBRODZ makes himself completely vulnerable and honest in his music and talks about serious subjects like love, suicide, depression and substance abuse.

EMCEEBRODZ is entering the music scene with the “all up in your face mentality” EMCEEBRODZ is pushing his way into the scene and jumping over any naysayer like they aren’t even there. If you don’t give EMCEEBRODZ a chance — you soon will, no isn’t an option in the scope of this young artist.


We had a chance to chat with EMCEEBRODZ on his latest release ‘HECTIC’

Congratulations on the release of HECTIC! Can you tell us more about what the song means to you?

So HECTIC was the product of a very hard time in my life.

I had no work and I wasn’t getting the recognition or respect from the music scene that I thought I deserved.

I knew I was original and interesting and good at what I did but nobody would give me a chance.

I also had just broken up with my girlfriend at the time and had recently cut loose from a toxic living situation so I had heaps of anger in me.

Quickly realizing that if I wanted to change the course of my life I would have to just push through and prove people wring rather then wait for the chance. If you want to get anywhere in life you can’t rely on others, sometimes you gotta just get stuck into it and that’s what HECTIC represents.

What message would you like to convey to the world through HECTIC?

Just that you gotta back yourself sometimes and to not be afraid to be original. Stick to what you feel and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. Music is subjective and rules are made to be broken so experiment and stick to your guns. If nobody takes you seriously at first keep banging down the door and prove them wrong.

If you could collaborate with any artist dead or alive who would it be?

Ooh tough one. I would love to go back to the late 90s and be part of the emerging nu metal/underground hip hop scenes because that’s what I listen to. So maybe featuring on a KORN track would be dope. Otherwise I’d love to team up with Kevin Abstract of BROCKHAMPTON. Dude is dope.

What’s the best life advice you’ve ever been given?

Probably to just find what makes you happy and keep on doing it for the rest of your life. It’s all about the little things, life’s to short to worry about what people think.

What has been your most memorable performance to date?

Definetly my most recent gig. I was an opener at Adelaides hip hop even “Mic Assassins 4”. I was about third up on stage and the first two dudes hadn’t got the crowd into it. Dudes were still ordering drinks and chatting, I was super nervous and I knew I had to get the crowd into it. When I jumped up on stage I was intimidated until the second I touched the Mic something clicked. Ended up having the whole crowd vibing with me. Was such a fun experience.

What can we expect next from EMCEEBRODZ?

I’m currently working on some brand new music!. I’ve been experimenting heaps and ive incorporated heavy guitar bounce riffs and funky melodic choruses. I’m definently creating that nu metal sound I mentioned earlier. I’m very excited to share my new sound with you guys and I’m dropping the first taste in early January.

Listen to HECTIC on Spotify & Apple Music

Follow EMCEEBRODZ on Instagram

